Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kim Jong-il died in the future

Video Courtesy of Check out the last 5 seconds of the video to get the joke!

All Hail Kim Jong Il by giladr
All Hail Kim Jong Il, a photo by giladr on Flickr.
  "I live in Korea, have silver hair, glasses, and I'm mean" my Korean students would always say. This was a typical reenactment of a student pretending to be Kim Jon-il while practicing English descriptions in a Level 1 English class. Fortunately, they will be using the past tense in their new role plays as the death of Kim Jong-il official as of December 19th 2011. He reportedly died two days earlier on December 17th according to Reuters.
      Wait a minute, it's currently Sunday the 18th in America! After a long and confusing conversation with family members over the date of the death I reminded them that Korea is 16 hours ahead of California and technically, is living in the future. I know this very well because when I flew back from Seoul to San Diego I literally had two Fridays. Thus when the news was announced in Korea on Monday morning on December 19th it was Sunday December 18th in America.
    I think it's important to note that Kim Jong-il was known as being a player and he did go down in style at the age of 69! If you aren't familiar with what those two number mean let me enlighten you. A classic definition is provided on Wikipedia nothing that 69 is the also known by its French name soixante-neuf (69), is a group of sex positions in which two people align themselves so that, and I'll stop there!
     Sayonara Kim Jong-il you definitely will not be missed! Fellow video bloggers at Eat Your Kimchi stated that life is going on as normal in Korea as he South Korean National Security Council/National Assembly are currently discussing the matter.

4 개의 댓글:

Minki said...

A bit of shame to let Kim Jong-Il go without any justice executed though. Extreme example of how one person can screw thousands of lives.

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